Email/Spam Protection

Email spam protection is an essential part of your business. Ninety-one percent of hacks and security breaches today begin with phishing or spear-phishing attacks that arrive in email spam. To assist with protection, we provide security breach services to avoid advanced threats.

Our services help to improve productivity by keeping spam out of inboxes and removing unwanted materials from email servers. We can provide email security, archiving, and cloud continuity services to protect email management functionality in a fully-integrated subscription service.

There are many benefits of moving your business to the cloud:


Computer viruses


Phishing emails

Spoofed undeliverable notices

Denial of Service Attacks (DoS attack)

When it comes to choosing Cloud Computing, why choose us?

An email spam checker

Message content filtering to reduce unwanted email.

End-user self-service to manage blocked and permitted senders

Filing and DE-cluttering tools to handle graymail such as mailing lists and newsletters.

Our goal is to ensure the safety of all information.